Book with Cargo Moves

Albuquerque, NM

Cargo Moves Reviews & Ratings

What's the move? Looking for an experience mover to help with your stressful problems in the process? You definitely have come to the right place. Come check out our prices and let's get your move taken care of today. Combining years of experience in the moving and service industry, Cargo Moves has established a reputation for quality work and the highest customer satisfaction. Our VISION is to cater to all of your moving day needs personally and professionally. Our GOAL is to provide you with a great moving day experience that will alleviate all the financial, emotional and physical stress caused by the many challenges of moving . Our CALLING is to serve our community super well, with a great smile and a happy Can-Do attitude.

Overall Score
Overall Experience 8.8
Pickup Experience 9.4
Delivery Experience 9.4
Respond Time 10.0
Open Claims 10.0
Declined Orders 0.0

Services & Handling





Local Moving

Local Moving

Long Distance Moving

Long Distance Moving

Storage Services

Storage Services





Commercial Moving

Commercial Moving

Moving Labor

Moving Labor

Box Delivery

Box Delivery


Albuquerque, NM

FAQ Section

Cargo Moves is currently rated 9.6 overall out of 10.

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Yes, Cargo Moves offers free project estimates.

On average, a move  can cost anywhere from $400 to $15200 and up, depending on the size of your home, the distance you’ll travel.