Book with Traditional Express

Grand Prairie, TX

Traditional Express Reviews & Ratings

One of the largest fleets of trucks in the nation, with weekly trips from east to west coast, including Texas.

Overall Score
Overall Experience 8.0
Pickup Experience 10.0
Delivery Experience 10.0
Respond Time 10.0
Open Claims 10.0
Declined Orders 0.0


DOT Number

Policy: 2373664

Services & Handling



Long Distance Moving

Long Distance Moving


Grand Prairie, TX
Metuchen, NJ

FAQ Section

Traditional Express is currently rated 9.6 overall out of 10.

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Yes, Traditional Express offers free project estimates.

On average, a move  can cost anywhere from $400 to $15200 and up, depending on the size of your home, the distance you’ll travel.