Book with Available Movers

Bronx, NY

Available Movers Reviews & Ratings

Relocating is undeniably considered a tiring and tedious task that you have to worry about a lot of things. When the need arises, the best solution is to hire the services of a reliable moving company such as NYC Movers so as to keep every priced investment safe and secured until it reaches the new location.Whether you are Moving to NYC or from New York City to any place outside the city, there is a need to hire the services of a moving company. We at Available Movers & Storage have been offering business since 1994. We want you to experience our quality NYC Moving Services which is far different from other providers in the industry.Available Movers & Storage is a New York-based NYC Moving Company that specializes in moving your home, business or office to any place in New York or from New York City to your desired location. Leave your worries behind and make us handle the job.We assure that your relocation will be smooth and easy that you need not worry for anything. All you need to do is give us a call and we are happy to serve you. We can make arrangements on your convenient time.

Overall Score
Overall Experience 8.0
Pickup Experience 10.0
Delivery Experience 10.0
Respond Time 10.0
Open Claims 10.0
Declined Orders 0.0


DOT Number

Policy: 36716

Policy: 510368

State Authority

Policy: T-36716

Services & Handling





Local Moving

Local Moving

Long Distance Moving

Long Distance Moving

Storage Services

Storage Services



Commercial Moving

Commercial Moving

Box Delivery

Box Delivery

Special Handling

Special Handling

Disposal Services

Disposal Services


Bronx, NY

FAQ Section

Available Movers is currently rated 9.6 overall out of 10.

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Yes, Available Movers offers free project estimates.

On average, a move  can cost anywhere from $400 to $15200 and up, depending on the size of your home, the distance you’ll travel.