Moving From New York to Florida: Movers, Costs, and Benefits

We’re here to help you hit the road. In this guide, we’ll walk you through what you can expect from a New York to Florida move, and we’ll introduce you to some of our favorite moving companies for the job.

New York. Crowded, expensive, and full of jerks. Florida, on the other hand… well, there may be some weirdos running around down there, but at least there’s a lot more breathing room.

But if you’re moving from New York to Florida, how are you gonna haul all your stuff? Between the packing, loading, and the long-distance drive, it’s a recipe for a lot of stress and frustration. That’s where iMoving comes in.

iMoving is the only platform that lets you shop for moving companies, compare quotes, and book your move from the comfort of your web browser. With over 1,000 vetted and verified moving pros, we’re making it easier than ever to make the NY to Florida move.

If you’re already packing, tell us more about your move and we’ll get you in touch with some movers you can trust. And if you’re still on the fence, let’s get you up to speed on what you can expect on moving day.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire Movers from New York to Florida?

Hiring a New York to Florida moving company will set you back between $1,300 to $9,100. But why such a big window?

Every move is different, and your final price depends on how much you’re moving and how far you’re traveling. At its minimum, the New York to Florida route is about 932 miles - and even then, you’ll be stuck in Jacksonville. If you end up going down to the keys, that’s more mileage and more money.

Aside from the distance, the physical size of your move makes a huge difference. Long distance movers will either calculate your move size based on weight (in pounds) or volume (in cubic feet).

Want to save big? Go full Marie Kondo and get rid of all your unused, old, and/or unwanted items before shopping for a quote.

3 Best Movers from New York to Florida

Now that you know how much it costs to move from New York to Florida (and you’ve marked your calendar accordingly) it’s time to get to know some of our favorite movers for the job. Here’s our top 3:

1. Lift NYC

2. Maxi Moving

3. Samba Moving


Lift NYC

Alternate Text
  • Professional Team
  • Customized Services
  • Transparent Pricing

Lift NYC is one of the most reliable New York movers in the business. Not only are they punctual and professional, but they’re also partnered with local staging companies for greater convenience.

Some places in New York don’t take kindly to huge semi-trailers blocking traffic, so using a smaller truck to get to and from a staging area is a must-have.

Thanks to their awesome in-house staff and staging services, we’re happy to recommend Lift NYC. Dealing with shuttle trucks to get your stuff to and from your actual long-distance moving truck isn’t a fun experience, but Lift can take the stress out of the whole process.


  • Extra care when packing
  • Partnered with staging companies for easier urban moves
  • Professional in-house staff
  • Secure storage
  • Box delivery if needed


  • May have to plan far in advance for long distance moves

Maxi Moving

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  • Licensed Professionals
  • In-Home Estimates
  • Transparent Pricing

Maxi Moving is another New York-based mover, so they really know their way around the city. But even if you’re moving from upstate, their impressive menu of services makes a big difference.

You won’t get charged for services you don’t need, and you can pick and choose the services you want. Plus, they’ve got some solid ratings from their customers.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Every move is different. Maxi Moving is one of those companies that REALLY understands this.

They’ll let you pick and choose your services so you get a custom-tailored relocation, and with 24-hour support, they’ll be available to answer any and all questions you have along the way.


  • High ratings
  • 24-hour support
  • Special equipment for complicated items
  • Great customer service
  • Broad range of options


  • Extra services come at an extra price

Samba Moving

Alternate Text
  • Customizable Options
  • Experienced Teams
  • Affordable Prices

Moving from New York in a hurry? Samba Moving is a great option for getting out of town fast. They offer last-minute moving, and they can help you out with your low-weight/low-volume moves as well.

While most movers have a minimum weight requirement for long-distance services, Samba has no problem hauling a few awkward items.

Look, we don’t know why you’re in a rush. We don’t know why you’re moving so little stuff. We’re not going to pry into whatever sketchiness you have going on in your personal life.

We won’t judge, and neither will Samba. For those fly-by-night evacuations from New York, Samba Moving has your back - and they’ll move it with care, too.


  • Last-minute moving
  • Low-weight/low-volume moving
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Secure storage
  • White-glove service


  • Prices peak during summer months

How Long Does Moving Take?

Moving from New York to Florida will take between 3 and 21 days. Much like your price, the duration of your move depends on how much you’re transporting and how far you’re going.

Under federal law, interstate movers can’t log more than 400 miles of highway travel per day. If you’ve got your calculator out already, we’ll spare you the number-crunching: That’s a 3-day minimum if you’re going to Jacksonville, and a 4-day minimum if you’re going to Key West.

Rules and regulations aside, there’s also the matter of efficiency. Half-empty trucks are bad for business, so it’s common for movers to bundle multiple moves in the same trailer.

This means if you’ve only got a studio apartment, you may actually wait longer to get your stuff. Sure, it’ll be fast to load up, but there’ll be stops along the way for other pickups or deliveries.

What Factors Affect the Cost of a New York to Florida Move?

We hear you. “$1,300 to $9,100?" Are you really sure that’s how much it’ll cost to move? That seems like a lot…” 

We’ve been in the game for over a decade. We’ve seen moves of all shapes and sizes, so we know all the little fees and add-ons that go into your final moving price. Let’s shed some light on all the factors that go into the final price of your move.

1. Distance

We’ve already mentioned this one, but it warrants mentioning again. When you’re talking long distance, the mileage makes a difference. Moving from NYC to Jacksonville is going to cost you less than moving from Clinton County to the Keys.

2. Weight/Volume

Again, we can’t emphasize this one enough. Aside from your distance, the physical size of your move is probably the next biggest factor behind your cost.

More stuff means more money, so make sure you downsize before shopping for a quote. Pawn it off, donate it, give it to your friends - if you don’t want it, don’t move it.

3. Storage

So you’ve downsized and gotten rid of all your excess - but you still need a little extra space while you’re unboxing. Not to worry: secure storage has the square footage you need. It comes at a price, but the added space and time gives you a lot of extra flexibility. Plus, some movers offer 30 days free!

4. Access Fees

Get away from your phone or laptop for a second, and take a walk from your front door the the street. How many staircases did you have to deal with? What about gates? Long hallways or driveways? Elevators? Your movers will have to deal with them, too. Moving companies charge a fee for obstacle courses.

5. Shuttle Fees

Shuttles. These are inconvenient, expensive, and unfortunately unavoidable. Movers use large semi trucks to deal with the long haul, but cities don’t always let them park these trucks on their streets.

In these cases, they’ll keep the big rig on the outskirts, and use a smaller truck to ferry your stuff back and forth between your place and the staging area.

6. Insurance

Moving companies offer basic insurance, but it’s really basic. We’re talking $0.60 per pound of lost or damaged items. Break a 4-pound laptop? Enjoy your $2.40.

If you want to be reimbursed the actual value of your items, you’ll have to pay for full-value insurance coverage. You may also have to pay for packing services, too…

7. Packing

Packing takes a lot of time. It also takes a lot of supplies. While you can DIY your packing, we always recommend shelling out a little extra to let the pros handle it.

It can be as cheap as a few hundred, or as expensive as a couple thousand. It all depends on how much you have to move, but you’ll always be saving big on sanity.

8. Specialty Moving

Pianos, antiques, heck, even vintage motorcycles - we’ve seen it all. These don’t really fit in a Home Depot box, so your movers will have to break out the specialty supplies. Think custom crating, and even using cranes to get stuff out the window. It costs a pretty penny, but sometimes it’s unavoidable.

9. Last Minute Moves

Schedule your move in advance if you want to save some money. Schedule your move tomorrow if you’re desperate. Not all movers offer this service, but it can be great if you’re in a hurry. Just be prepared to pay the price for the added convenience.

10. Gratuity

These aren’t included in your quote, but don’t forget to tip. This isn’t like turning an iPad around and asking for a 40% tip - moving is hard work, and gratuities are accepted (and expected) in the industry. 15% to 20% of the total cost of your move is a good number, to be divvied up across your whole team.

Why Do People Move from New York to Florida?

People are getting fed up with New York, even if they don’t want to admit it. If your friends are razzing you for getting out of town, here are some good excuses that’ll shut ‘em up:

  • It’s cheaper. Come on, this should be enough to convince you. Everything in New York is expensive, especially if you’re living in the city. On the other hand, you can live in Florida and see what it’s like to not throw 40% of your income at rent.
  • The weather’s better. The people who can afford it get out of New York for the winter. You know where they go? Florida. “Oh, but I’m scared of hurricanes,” you may be saying. Look, if the locals can take them in stride, so can you.
  • There’s these things called “beaches”: Florida beaches are something else. This isn’t Atlantic City, this is Miami Vice. Great weather, great water, and in some places, there are even great waves. What a difference.
  • There’s plenty of work: New York likes to pretend its the center of the universe, but it’s not the only place you can score a high-paying job. Florida has a lot to offer, from finance to tourism to tech. You’ll also be able to keep more of what you earn.
  • There’s still city life: Florida has its share of big cities. Miami’s number one, but you can still find some action in Tampa, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville. Just keep in mind, once you’re in Florida, the north you go, the more “southern” it gets…
  • The politics are… well, speaking of the south, the politics are pretty different in Florida. It’s not DEEP RED like Alabama or something, but it’s certainly not the “hey, let’s give homeless people free drugs” deep blue of New York.

Things to Do in Florida

New York does not have a monopoly on stuff to do. Once you get to Florida, you’ll find plenty to keep you occupied.

  • The Everglades: If you want to get out and explore the great outdoors, the Everglades are for you. It’s a wetland habitat that’s full of interesting sights and critters. Keep an eye out for the gators, though.
  • The Keys: While you’re enjoying the Everglades National Park, you can bounce over to the Keys for a tropical getaway. It’s more than just retirees out there - there’s tons of beaches, and great seafood, and you can pretend you’re Ernest Hemingway.
  • The South: Don’t try turning your new state into the one you just left. If you move to Florida, you gotta know what you’re getting into. The panhandle is Deep South, and for better or worse, it does mean you can enjoy some of the freedoms you couldn’t before.
  • The Theme Parks: Blah blah blah Disney World blah blah blah Universal Studios blah blah blah Busch Gardens etc etc etc. Look, it’s pretty much rollercoasters and theme parks from Tallahassee to Miami.
  • The Miami: Speaking of Miami. If you’ve never spent any time in this city, you’re in for a treat. And if you’ve already been, you already know what to expect. It’s a wild place, a suitably Floridian city for the Florida man and woman in all of us.

New York to Florida FAQ

According to Zillow, the median home price in New York is about $460,000. The median home price in Florida is about $399,000.

But let’s zoom in a bit: New York City? $750,000 - and we all know you’re looking at closer to a mill if you want to live someplace decent. Miami? $575,000.

If you’re gonna be paying big bucks, you may as well live someplace with good weather and great beaches. Oh, and your day-to-day expenses are going to be much cheaper as well.

Florida has some good schools, but New York does set a high bar. If you’re looking for higher ed, the University of Florida in Gainesville is a good choice.

(Go Gators!) There’s also FSU in Tallahassee, and further south, you’ll find the University of Miami. As for K-12, this really depends on your city.

US News & World Report has good things to say about Jacksonville Beach Elementary, Pine View School, and Somerset Academy Miramar South.

The cheapest way to move long distances is to DIY the whole thing, but we really wouldn’t recommend it. While it’s a lower price on paper, once you pay for your truck rental, your gas, your food, and your lodging, you’ll see your savings shrivel up.

Plus, if you have to take time off from work to pack and haul everything, you’ll have to subtract those missed paychecks, too.

Sometimes it’s just easier to hire the pros. It’ll be a little pricier, but you can’t put a price on sanity and stress.

We recommend booking your movers between 2 and 3 months in advance. This may seem like a lot of time, but time flies when you’re preparing for moving day. Think of it this way:

You’ll have somewhere between 8 and 12 weekends to spend on packing up, dealing with utilities, and telling everyone where you’ll be going. That’s a pretty short amount of time.

Every New York to Florida mover has their no-go list, so they can fill you in on the specifics. A good rule of thumb is “nothing that can damage the truck”.

Nothing flammable, nothing pressurized, nothing perishable, and nothing alive. Make sure you check local laws about your plants and pets, too - you don’t want to show up in Florida to find out your pet snake is illegal.

Moving from New York to Florida? Tell us more and let’s get packing!

You made it to the end! Thanks for sticking with us through that whole guide. From the moving price to the duration to our list of movers and what you can expect from Florida… it’s been quite an emotional rollercoaster.

If you’re ready to get started, iMoving can help. We’re an easy-to-use online marketplace that lets you shop, compare prices, and book New York to Florida movers in just a few clicks. No phone calls, no house calls.

Ready to get started? We’re ready, too! Tell us a bit more about your move, and let’s get you on the road.

Harrison Gough

Harrison has been writing for real estate and moving companies for the past three years, but his knowledge isn't just from behind a desk. Having moved over a dozen times himself, sometimes with professional help and sometimes on his own, he's learned firsthand what makes moving smooth and what makes it stressful. When he's not writing, he's looking into ways to make his next move simpler.

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